Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The Start of a New Week

I get to spend a fair amount of time observing my cooperating teacher's classes throughout the day. Often, watching her teach will give me an idea or two about something I would want to do in my own class. More often than not, though, I find myself caught up in just watching the students. I was out of touch with cool long before I chose the teacher path and it's hard for me to believe that half of what kids think is cool these days is actually cool. I don't understand "swag" or this recent obsession with My Little Pony. I guess these are just things I'm going to have to learn to understand and tolerate.

As far as my class goes, we've been having a good time together. A least, I think so. I taught them one of the few pieces of Ancient Greek that I remember on Friday. They seemed to find that pretty cool. We're still on Beowulf, but I'm getting more and more excited for our units on the Arthurian legends and the Canterbury Tales. For the Arthurian unit, we're going to do some reading aloud and we're going to attempt to piece together a family tree of sorts for some of the more important knights. Fr The Canterbury Tales, they're each going to create a Facebook style profile for a character by going off what is said about that character in the prologue. I think we might also watch at least part of A Knight's Tale just because I love Paul Bettany's portrayal of Chaucer. I think it would be amusing for them to see and hear him speak as Chaucer and to see if they can pick out any similarities between the two.

Until next time,

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